Students Nurse’s Association (SNA)
The Students Nurse’s Association, popularly known as SNA, is a nation-wide organisation of nursing students. It was established in 1929 at the time of the annual conference of the TNAI in Madras. Ms.L.N.Jean, the Nursing Superintendent of General Hospital, Madras was instrumental in forming this association.
Vijaya College Of Nursing Student Nurse’s Association (SNA) was started in the year. It is one of the best platforms for student nurses and it provides curricular and co-curricular programs, communicates issues and concerns relevant to nursing, encourages participation in community health related activities and promotes legislative involvement of the nursing student. Membership in SNA aids in the development of the whole person, his /her professional role and his /her responsibility for the health care of people in all walks of life.
- Training in multispeciality hospital
- Accommodation Facility
- Job Guaranteed
- Experienced Faculties

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide continuous quality nursing education ,comprehensive health care at gross root level and research with adherence to moral , legal and ethical Values”.

Our Mission
The Vijaya College of Nursing committed to provide the student’s nurses with academic excellence and professional excellence with the motto “Selfless Service for A Healthy Society.
Our Objectives
We believe in,
- To uphold the dignity and honor of the nursing profession.
- To promote participation in student community affairs.
- To involve the students in intercollegiate sports and cultural activities.
- To promote collaborative relationships with various health organizations.
- To bring out the talents and confidence of the students for the uplifting of self and society.
- To inculcate the value of espirit de corps.
- To develop leadership abilities among the students.
- To improve the students' social contacts to enhance professional growth
Our Objectives
On completion of the Basic B.Sc(N) Programme the graduate will be able to:
- Apply knowledge from physical, biological, and behavioral sciences, medicine including alternative systems and nursing in providing nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
- Demonstrate understanding of life style and other factors, which affect health of individuals and groups.
- Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the individual and groups.
- Demonstrate critical thinking skill in making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
- Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
- Provide promotive, preventive and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and programmes.
- Practice within the framework of code of ethics and professional conduct, and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
- Communicate effectively with individuals and groups, and members of the health team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationship and teamwork.
- Demonstrate skills in teaching to individuals and groups in clinical/community health settings.
- Participate effectively as members of the health team in health care delivery system.
- Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical/community health settings.
- Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to improve the quality of care.
- Demonstrate awareness, interest, and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession.
Our Scope
- Scope of Nursing practice encompasses provision of Promotive, Preventive, Curative and Rehabilitative aspect of care to people across their life span in wide variety of health care settings. Practice of Nursing is based upon application of basic concepts and principles derived from the Physiological, Biological and Behavioral Sciences, Medicine & Nursing.
- This programme provides a solid foundation for continuing professional development and for postgraduate study of Nursing (M.Sc Nursing), which can pave way to achieve M.Phil (N) & Doctoral Degree in Nursing & Post Doctoral Fellowships.